
321(Solved): DTW-118 Long time communication erorr

Posted on 15th May 2023, 4:35pm by [email protected]

2023-05-21: Status changed to Hold -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-05-21: There is no antenna related spare items available in the store. if the omni type antenna available we can solve the issue. Already informed to Executive Engineer and request to collect those materials as early as possible for the remote operation. -by: Zahid Hossain -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-05-23 03:05:53pm: Status changed to Pending, Because of: (2. 3~2.6)vdc got yesterday modification. average value: 2.5vdc. Radio modem and cable change needed. -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-06-04 03:52:45pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-04, Required entity: Mr. Jung, Humayun. Ladder, pickup, testing equipment with necessary tools. -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-04 07:14:02pm: Status changed to Hold, Because of: Dtw 118 try to adjustment antenna for increased radio signal. Max we get 2.5vdc and min 2.2vdc. again tomorrow working. Mr. Jung and Humayun. -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-05 05:36:30pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: A new yagi antenna is installed . Now communication is okay. -by: Parves

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