
352(Solved): IRP1 & IRP2 all dtw's RTU,CCTV, VFD panel & instrument cleaning.

Posted on 03rd June 2023, 9:58am by [email protected]

2023-06-03 12:57:50pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Dtw-101 & 102 VFD, CCTV Panel, RTU Panel cleaning work done. -by: Parves
2023-06-06 05:59:12pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-07, Required entity: Parvez(AT), Reaz(E), kazi Jewel(H). (Vehicle support full day) -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-07 12:17:18pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: DTW-103,105,106 VFD,RTU,CCTV Panel's equipment cleaning done. -by: Parves
2023-06-11 04:22:27pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Dtw-109,110,111 VFD,RTU,LV,CCTV panel & equipments with Panel Room clean work done -by: Parves
2023-06-12 05:01:46pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Dtw-104,107,113,114 VFD,RTU,CCTV,LV & Panel room clean work done. -by: Parves
2023-06-17 05:02:51pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Dtw-118,123,122,121 Vfd,RTU,CCTV,LV panel Clean done. -by: Parves
2023-06-18 10:32:36pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Dtw-119 & 120 cleaning work done. IRP#1 All dtw's VFD, RTU, CCTV, LV Panel & cleaning work complete. Dtw- 216, 217, 218 cleaning work done. -by: Parves
2023-06-22 04:58:49pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Dtw- 219,220,221,222,223 VFD, RTU, LV, CCTV panel & It's equipment cleaning work done. -by: Parves
2023-07-06 04:08:20pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: Others DTW cleaning work has been done today. IRP-1 & IRP2 all dtw's VFD, RTU, LV, CCTV panel, panel room & equipments cleaning work done -by: Parves

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