
374(Solved): Dtw 218 RTU panel SPT Problem, Need to be check.

Posted on 21st June 2023, 2:44pm by mehedy.skwp.dwasa@gmail.com

2023-06-21 08:36:59pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-22, Required entity: test -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-07-18 01:18:30pm: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: Work has been started. -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-08-07 04:35:49pm: Status changed to Hold, Because of: SCADAPACK needed.. -by: Zahid Hossain
2024-07-18 04:45:35pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: work done. -by: Parves

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Humayon Kabir, on 21st June 2023, 4:59pm

DTW 218 SPD burn, SCADA pack inside circuit board burn, radio fuse burn.

SCADA OPERATION ENGR, on 07th August 2023, 4:34pm

SPD installed.