
386(Solved): Dtw 211 PIT And FIT both are problem. FIT Not good conditions. Need to be check.

Posted on 05th July 2023, 1:00pm by [email protected]

2023-07-05 07:32:19pm: Scheduled at 2023-07-06, Required entity: Vehicle support need -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-07-10 05:23:26pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: Solved -by: Humayon Kabir

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SCADA OPERATION ENGR, on 05th July 2023, 7:32pm

2023-07-05 07:32:19pm: Scheduled at 2023-07-06, Required entity: Vehicle support need -by: Zahid Hossain

Humayon Kabir, on 10th July 2023, 5:23pm

DTW 211 PIT and LIT fuse was burn change now both are okay.

SCADA OPERATION ENGR, on 22nd April 2024, 12:36pm
