
777(Solved): DTW-215 has VFD problem. Need to check emergency.

Posted on 04th May 2024, 11:55am by [email protected]

2024-05-14 02:47:13pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: New VFD install at dtw-215. Old VFD had low bus voltage issue. So NLP status came. -by: Parves

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Parves,Automation Technician on 06th May 2024, 2:13pm

VFD inspection report: 1. VFD drive check- ok 2. Input Line Voltage check- ok 3. VFD status check- NLP 4. DC Bus Voltage check- Not ok The DC bus may not be powering up, which could indicate a drive issue. Suggest to measure the DC bus voltage across PA+ and PC- terminals.  Expect to measure a value = line voltage x 1.414. DC bus is powered OK, then suspect a power board or control board issue.