926(Solved): DTW-106, 1 nos CCTV camera problem. Need to check.
Posted on 13th July 2024, 8:39am by [email protected]
2024-09-14 03:25:36pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: Work done -by: Parves
2024-09-14 03:25:36pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: Work done -by: Parves
DTW#106 একটি মেনটেনেন্স করা ক্যামেরা লাগানো হয়েছে বর্তমানে পাঁচটি ক্যামেরাই ডিসপ্লেতে শো করছে ।
IRP 01 plant out time 09:20
Dtw no 203 in Time 10:05
Dtw out time 11:10
New camera install done.. Now okay.