
261(Solved): DTW115, DTW117, DTW118, DTW119 Radio Communication Problem not solved yet. Need To Check Again. Right Now, We Can't run these pumps from the SCADA.

Posted on 16th May 2023, 9:18am by [email protected]

2023-06-05 06:40:08pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-06, Required entity: Humayan, Parvez(AT), Reaz(E), kazi Jewel(H). Related measuring equipments and tools with ladder Vehicle support full day. -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-06 06:01:50pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-07, Required entity: Humayan, Parvez(AT), Reaz(E), kazi Jewel(H). (Vehicle support full day) -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-07 08:06:57am: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: In dtw-118, we checked by installing new Omni antenna. Dtw-117,122 are communicate with dtw-118. But new antenna isn’t match with the previous antenna base. As a result we can't set up the new omni antenna -by: Parves
2023-06-07 05:57:03pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-08, Required entity: Humayan, Parvez(AT), Reaz(E), kazi Jewel(H). -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-10 08:18:17am: Status changed to Ongoing, Because of: In DTW117 a new Yagi antenna is installed. Now communication is normal & DTW is remotely operatable. -by: Parves
2023-06-17 06:31:28pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: Antenna , antenna cable changed -by: Zahid Hossain

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