
326(Solved): Optical fibre torn at DTW214 and DTW121

Posted on 17th May 2023, 6:13pm by [email protected]

2023-05-19: Today we make a field inspection that how much optical fiber cable required to maintenance. In DTW-214 all cable scattered on the road. I isolated all cable (from 3 side) and put the cable in a safe zone. Note: From DTW-121,123 & DTW-214. Work done by Parvas 17-05-23 -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-05-21: Status changed to Hold -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-05-21: Scheduled for today. -by: Zahid Hossain
2023-05-21: Status changed to Pending -by: Parves
2023-05-21: Status changed to Pending -by: Parves
2023-05-21: In dated 21/05/2023, We can't do this work due to shortage of man power. But they can't manage the man power for this urgent work. All gerdener & helper are engaged in Gardening work. -by: Parves
2023-05-23: Dtw-214 cctv optical fiber rearrangement work done. Only fiber splicing work pending. -by: Parves
2023-05-23 04:15:57am: Please mention, why the fiber splicing work is pending? CCTV is very important for the plant safety. -by: MD ABDUL MOMIN
2023-05-23 10:46:27am: Our Optical cable stripper is lost. And this tool is not available as spare in our store. As a result, I can't splice the fiber. -by: Parves
2023-05-25 12:30:59pm: Scheduled at 2023-05-27, Required entity:

Manpower below:
1. Kazi Jewel
2. Reajul Islam
4. Ashan Ullah
5. Driver of the Pickup

1. Ladder
2. Pickup
-by: Zahid Hossain
2023-06-03 05:09:30pm: Scheduled at 2023-06-04, Required entity: Parvez(AT), Reaz(E), jewel(H), Mosharof. (Vehicle support full day) -by: Md. Khairul Momen
2023-06-04 04:24:44pm: Status changed to Solved, Because of: DTW-121 & 214 optical fiber restoration work done. -by: Parves

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